Boosting sales with IP targeting, plus collaboration and proactive problem solving In September’s MadAveGroup Digest, proactive problem solving, the power of collaboration, using IP targeting to boost sales and more
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Issue 31 / September 2023

Proactive Problem Solving

Your customers want to know you’re thinking about them. And they want your help with identifying and solving their problems.

So, make it a priority to reach out regularly as a consultant or advisor; as a friend would, not as a vendor or salesperson. Ask your customers about their struggles, their victories, any recent realizations they’ve had or lessons they’ve learned. And how are all of those affecting their businesses and their lives?

I seldom have success when asking “how can I help you?” and even less with “may I help you?” Both of those questions suggest that I expect my client to uncover the cause of their problem.

Instead, I often present concerns that other companies or industries have. Then, if my client is dealing with the same type of trouble, we can talk about solutions that have worked for others. And I get more clients to buy-in when I provide proof that those solutions worked.

Why Would You Say That?

man working on computer

Are there words or phrases in your marketing content that undermine your expertise or weaken the experience you provide for your audience? Look at these examples.


Improving Your Marketing with Collaboration

It can be easy for your marketing team to become siloed and think about your company in just one way. That’s why proactively seeking insight from other departments can be so valuable.

people gathered to collaborate

Optimizing IP Targeting to Drive Sales

The furniture and bedding business is very competitive, but we found a way to increase revenue for an 18-store chain. See the results.

bed diaplay

VIDEO: EVP of Brand Strategy Michael Seay

Committed to his work, his team and the marketing industry he loves, Michael is always thinking, always evolving and always on the move. Watch the video to see why he always needs a good dry cleaner, too. 

Michael Seay headshot

How Video Can Improve Your Buyers’ State-of-Mind

From anxiety to mistrust to fear, people bring specific concerns to certain types of businesses. We look at four B-to-C industries and consider how strategic video can ease those concerns.

young girl with mask on

How Much Is a Bad Caller Experience Costing You?

Sure, one mishandled call might not do too much damage, but what about one or more per day? Friendly, efficient CSRs can grow your company’s reputation and the bottom line.

woman talking with headset

Nonprofit Marketing: Your Target Audience and Persona

When you can define and communicate with the people who are most likely to support your cause, your marketing will get easier and more effective.

woman working on whiteboard